Event Stats

Upcoming Events 4
Held Events 1,842
Kids Identified 124,985

Georgia's Missing Children

smallboysAbout Us

GACHIP provides a valuable tool for the parents or guardians on a small computer disk that includes:

  • Full color digital photographs showing various poses of the child: These color photographs can be circulated by the police to the media in the case of abduction and can be used in the Amber Alert Program.
  • A complete set of digital fingerprints: Everyone's fingerprints are unique and are a well-known tool for recovery, investigation, and identification.
  • DNA and Scent: The swift recovery of a missing person can be aided by tracking dogs.
  • Information about the child including: Distinguishing features such as hair and eye color, scars, etc. The disk will also contain contact information for parents or guardians.
    All of the identifying information collected at the event about the child is given to the child's family. The GACHIP program retains only the permission slip that must be signed prior to participation in the event. AII other data is permanently erased after the child's document is prepared.

Privacy is our number one criteria.


MasoniCHIP International. Inc.is recognized by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) as the most comprehensive program of its type and has received a SPECIAL AWARD OF COMMENDATION from the NCMEC in February 2007.